How to Sell Gemstones for Cash in 2022
You know that old piece of birthstone jewelry sitting in your jewelry box? What if we told you that instead of gathering dust, it could be your ticket to that vacation you’ve always dreamed of or the car your family really needs? Princess Diana’s (and now Kate Middleton’s) sapphire engagement ring is worth a whopping $137,200–and that’s not even the most expensive famous gemstone! Shocking, right? We’re sure you’re probably thinking: “Where can I sell my gemstones”? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to find out all the details on where and how you can sell your gemstone jewelry for cash in 2022.
Where Can I Sell My Gemstones?

The first question you probably have on your mind is, “where can I sell my gemstones?” Great question. The best way to sell your jewelry is always to someone who actually knows jewelry’s worth. That’s usually a Gemological Institute of America (GIA) trained expert. If you’d like to evaluate your selling options, take a moment to read our previous blog post: Where Should I Sell My Jewelry? Selling Outlets Examined
Do Gemstones Have Resale Value?
There are several factors that determine whether or not a gemstone has resale value. One of those factors is the gem’s worth. A gem’s worth could be defined by the type of stone and how commonly it’s found, the size and quality of the stone, and the piece of jewelry itself (how it’s designed, when it was crafted, etc.). The most common high-quality gemstones that are generally worth more include emeralds, alexandrite, garnet, tourmaline, amethyst, and other colored diamonds.
You can find out your gem worth by getting it appraised by a certified gemologist or by contacting an expert gem and diamond buyer. Gather all the documentation you have on your piece (if any) and head out to a reputable jewelry appraiser.
Imitation Gems
There are a lot of stunning pieces of jewelry out there that utilize imitation gems. Although they give a glimmering effect, they don’t have much value in the jewelry market. Common imitation gems are made from glass, plastic and ceramic beads. If you’d like verify your gemstone authenticity, WikiHow has a great post you can check out: How to Identify Gemstones
5 Elements of a Jewelry Appraisal
How are gems graded?
Colored gemstones, such as emeralds, are graded just like diamonds, based on the quality of the stone (aka the 4 C’s: color, cut, carat, and clarity). The color is judged on its hue, tone and saturation.
A jewelry appraiser will look at all these factors while appraising your piece to determine its value.
What gems are worth the most money?
The rarer a gem is, the more it’s worth. Some valuable gemstones are: jeremejevite, poudretteite, serendibite and taaffeite. Nope, we’re not making these names up. You can learn more about these gemstones here.
What is more expensive than a diamond?
Alexandrite, black opal, bixbite, grandidierite, and musgravite are all very rare gemstones that can be more expensive than diamonds! More are listed on gemsociety.org.
Diamonds can also come in a variety of colors which vary in value. Learn more about that here.
We hope these tips will help you get the most for your colored gemstone jewelry! If you have any more questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below.