What to do With Inherited Jewelry

If you’re wondering what to do with inherited jewelry, you’ve come to the right place! The easy answer? A lot. You have several options. To figure out what those are, let’s ask ourselves a few questions, shall we?

What’s it mean to you?

Is the jewelry you’ve inherited sentimental?

If the answer is, “yes”, we have some follow-up questions: Can you use it? If so, keep it and do so! Perhaps the sentimental jewelry you’ve inherited is damaged. You could see if there’s an opportunity to fix it when you take it to a jewelry repair shop.

Let’s say your inherited jewelry is damaged beyond repair, and you can’t wear it. If it means something to you, you don’t have to let it go. Pass it down for posterity. It can become a family heirloom!

What’s the value?

Sometimes learning about your jewelry’s worth can change things. You may have a treasure in your midst! If you have the original paperwork (which will help determine its authenticity and characteristics), you’ll be able to find out the worth pretty easily by taking it to a jewelry appraiser.

You can still get clues to jewelry value without paperwork. Learn how to inspect your jewelry for value clues, determine if its real or fake, and more in our previous blog post: How Much is My Jewelry Worth?

Sell Inherited Jewelry

We see so many customers making extra cash every day, just through selling unwanted jewelry that just fell into their laps. So why not take advantage of a sweet opportunity? Holiday presents won’t pay for themselves, after all.

If you’d like to sell your inherited jewelry and don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered.

Next Steps to Take

  1. Getting a jewelry appraisal – Here’s what to expect.
  2. Prepare your jewelry for sale – Use these tips to increase the value.
  3. Evaluating your selling options – Get help from this selling outlet guide.
  4. Avoid these jewelry selling mistakes.

Have any questions on inherited jewelry? Simply leave us a comment below. Good luck!


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