We Buy More Than Diamonds
Diamond Buyers is still the same trusted source for decades. We buy more than diamonds. Actually, we buy more than fine jewelry, engagement rings, and Rolex watches. Now, we are also buying gold bullion, scrap gold, gold coins, silver, palladium, platinum, and other precious metals.
Gold Prices Soaring
The current market value of gold is higher now than it has been in a long time. In fact, according to Monex, the price of gold has increased tremendously since just the beginning of this year. Infact, KitCo shows that current gold prices are approaching historic all-time high levels last seen in 2011.
Using Gold to Bridge Financial Gap
With the current state of the economy, making ends meet means finding ways to bridge the financial gap. Many people are out of work or have had hours cut and need new, creative ways to provide for themselves and their families. With prices up so high, now is the best time to sell gold and other precious metals. Here at Diamond Buyers, we are offering top-dollar for your gold, precious metals, and fine jewelry.
Virtual Meetings an Option
If you make an appointment with us, we will virtually appraise anything you are looking to sell to us. If you decide to accept our offer, then the funds are wire transferred to you within 24 hours! We will be sure to give you market value for your gold, silver, and other precious metals.