Sell Jewelry
Gold Value: Why is Gold so Valuable Right Now?
If you’ve been paying attention to the price of gold recently then you’ve probably been wondering why gold is so valuable right now? Gold has a tendency to perform well during times of uncertainty and well, we are definitely in those times. Keep reading to find out exactly why the price of gold goes up during economic downfalls and what that means for you.
Estate Planning: Tips to Ensure your Jewelry Ends up with Loved Ones
Estate planning is often a dreaded task that many do not want to face. The thought of sitting down and divvying up your assets to loved ones can be very stressful and emotional. Oftentimes, valuable and sentimental items such as jewelry can end up in the wrong hands if there isn’t a plan set in place. Are you worried your jewelry will end up in the wrong hands? Follow our top estate planning tips to ensure your jewelry ends up with who you want it to.
We Buy More Than Diamonds
Diamond Buyers is the trusted source for buying diamonds, fine jewelry, and engagement rings. Now, we are also buying gold bullion, scrap gold, gold coins, silver, palladium, platinum, and other precious metals.
How Do I Get The Most Money For My Engagement Ring?
There’s no reason to sell your engagement ring for less than its worth. Find out how to determine its value and where to sell it to get the most money for your engagement ring.
Ways to Get Money Fast
There has definitely been an influx of calls and online inquiries during the Coronavirus pandemic. With jobs being lost, and businesses remaining closed for an unknown amount of time, many Americans are looking for ways to get money fast in order to provide for...
March Birthstone – Aquamarine Gemstone
There are a lot of brand names out there. So what makes some designer jewelry valuable, while others hold a resell value of pennies to the dollar?
What Makes Designer Jewelry Valuable?
There are a lot of brand names out there. So what makes some designer jewelry valuable, while others hold a resell value of pennies to the dollar?
What to Do with Grandma’s Valuable Vintage Brooches?
Did you inherit one of Grandma’s valuable vintage brooches, but don’t know what to do with it? Here are a few ideas on how to make it work or determine its value.
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Selling Your Jewelry
Selling jewelry can be an easy way to score some quick cash, however it is important to know what you are doing before you sell. Avoid these common mistakes and learn the best way to sell jewelry to get the most money for your valuables.
Selling your Wedding Ring after Divorce
Dealing with the aftermath of divorce can be very difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Liberating yourself from a failed marriage can be one of the most rewarding experiences of divorce. One of the most obvious ways to do so, is to let go of things that remind you of your past relationship. Chances are you weren’t happy in your marriage, so why surround yourself with things that will remind you of that? So how do you liberate yourself after a divorce? Well for starters, you can sell your wedding ring!